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Do Jute Rugs Shed?

Jute rugs are becoming increasingly popular in today’s homes. With their natural texture, color, and softness, they’re versatile enough to suit many different aesthetics. However, there is the matter of shedding to consider. Yes, jute rugs do tend to shed, especially in their early days. But these rugs are still worthwhile thanks to their inherent beauty and because there are ways to mitigate the shedding.

Learn More About Jute Rugs

  1. Characteristics of Jute
  2. Initial Shedding
  3. Shedding and Natural Fiber
  4. Understanding Natural Characteristics
  5. Mitigating Shedding
  6. Accepting the Aesthetic
  7. Comparing to Other Fibers
  8. Long-Term Durability
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Characteristics of Jute

Jute is a completely natural fiber, which makes it highly eco-friendly and beautiful. Many jute rugs are left their natural color to optimize its natural charm, but there are some rugs that dye the jute to create a new aesthetic. Regardless of the color, jute rugs tend to convey a very natural, rustic aesthetic thanks to the textured weave and the feel of the fiber. That makes this rug ideal for any home that wants to create a more natural, charming space.

Initial Shedding

When you first purchase a jute rug, you’ll notice heavier shedding. This is because the initial foot traffic will knock out loose fibers and dust. Obviously that can be very frustrating; why bring an accent if it’s just going to dirty your space? Even with this heavy initial shedding, jute rugs are still worthwhile investments, especially because this shedding does subside over time and with regular care. Jute rugs are crafted to be tight and secure, so once those initial loose fibers are knocked out or broken, the actual core of the rug is substantial, strong, and not as prone to shedding.

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Shedding and Natural Fiber

So why does jute shed? Essentially, jute rugs are made from plant fibers. These fibers become a bit more brittle when they're woven into knots and braids, which makes them more susceptible to shedding tiny fibers. Sometimes, you’ll mistake the shedding fibers as dust because of how fine they are. Other times, you may see larger pieces of jute break off because they’re too brittle. Note that this brittle nature doesn’t impact the overall quality of the rug; it is simply the nature of the material that it sheds closer to the surface when exposed to movement and foot traffic.

Queen Size Runner Rug

Understanding Natural Characteristics

Shedding can be annoying, especially at first, but that’s not necessarily a sign of poor quality. In fact, jute is a highly resilient, strong material that lasts for many years with the proper care. It’s simply natural that jute’s loose or surface level fibers break as the rug is worn in. If you recently bought a jute rug and you’re questioning the rug’s quality because of shedding, take heart! It’s natural and common for jute rugs to shed, especially at first.

Mitigating Shedding

One of the easiest ways to mitigate shedding is through simply vacuuming the rug. In the rug’s earliest days, you will vacuum it more frequently to take care of those loose fibers and fresh dust. Once a week is enough to take care of the rug in its earliest days, and then you can vacuum as needed in the future. Another way to mitigate shedding is to place the rug in low traffic areas. With that, the rug’s fibers won’t be broken as quickly with the regular traffic. Finally, there’s the option of using a rug pad. Rug pads help soften the blow of foot traffic, which again steps rug fibers from breaking off as quickly or easily.

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Accepting the Aesthetic

Aesthetically, there’s a lot to love about jute rugs. Whether the rug is brand new or well worn, it will show off a beautiful weave, color, and texture. Some people even enjoy the appearance of a slightly shed jute rug more than a brand new one, as it can convey a more rustic or homey aesthetic. Suffice to say, jute rugs age well with time and blend well with different tones and styles.

Comparing Shedding to Other Fibers

If you’re looking for a rug that doesn’t shed at all, then you’ll likely choose a synthetic rug. Materials like polyester, polypropylene, or viscose are popular thanks to their lack of shedding and general appeal. Cotton rugs are also crafted and woven so that they’re not prone to shed. Aside from these options, there are rugs that shed less than jute rugs, but they do still shed. Even high quality wool rugs shed because they can become frayed with heavy traffic. Sisal and seagrass are two natural materials that are often categorized with jute rugs thanks to their natural appearances, but they are less prone to shedding than jute.

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Long-Term Durability

As a natural material, jute boasts a certain level of durability and resilience. For context, jute was once the fiber of choice for sailing ropes. That strength comes across in the rug’s fibers, and when these fibers are used in a tight weave, they become even stronger. Jute rugs are an investment that will benefit your home for many years to come, as long as they are properly taken care of.

Jute rugs are beautiful and versatile accents. Although jute rugs may shed, that shedding does subside naturally over time as the rug is worn in. Plus, regular vacuuming and cleaning can expedite the process and improve the cleanliness of your rug. With all that in mind, we wholeheartedly recommend jute rugs for their style appeal, texture, and comfort.

Protection Information
Protect against common mishaps, such as:
Accidental rips, tears
Accidental stains from food and beverage or human and pet bodily fluids
Delamination, loose threads and torn seams
Minor burn and heat marks (up to 1 inch)
Protection Plan also includes:
  • No deductibles or hidden fees
  • Receipt-less claims process
  • 24/7 customer support

See the full Terms and Conditions here.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I purchase the Protection Plan?

It’s as easy as adding the Protection Plan - along with the product you want covered - to your cart and checking out!

What happens after I purchase the Protection Plan?

Once you purchase coverage, you will receive a welcome email, giving you access to your dedicated portal (where you will be able to view your coverage information and file a claim).

When does my plan coverage begin?

Accidental damage coverage begins day 1 of purchase, while defects in materials and workmanship are covered as soon as the 30-day return period expires.

How do I file a claim?

You can file a claim by going to and by logging into your portal. Or you can simply contact the customer support team 24/7 via [email protected].

What happens after my claim is approved?

If damage is beyond repair, Mulberry will replace your product or will reimburse you for your product. If a repair is needed, Mulberry will coordinate technician cleaning or repair. Mulberry will repair your product up to its original retail price.

What if I return my product or want to cancel my Protection Plan?

You are able to cancel your Protection Plan by contacting Mulberry or by logging into your customer portal. Within the first 30 days of purchase, you will receive a full refund.

What if I exchange my product for another?

You can exchange your product for an identical product, without it affecting your warranty purchase. If you exchange your product for a different item, you will need to cancel your existing coverage and purchase a new plan, as coverage is tied to the specific product with which it was purchased.

What countries is coverage available in?

Currently, coverage is only available in the United States, including Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.

Are there any coverage exclusions?

The Protection Plan does not cover damage that occurs during product delivery, pet damage (other than bodily fluids), odor elimination, intentional abuse of the product, or theft or loss of the product.

Can I purchase the Protection Plan for someone else?

Yes. All protection plans are transferable in ownership.

Coverage by

Mulberry is a best-in-class extended warranty provider that works with retailers to provide customers with accidental damage protection on their purchased products.

The Mulberry Protection Plan is a 1- and 5-year extended coverage program that protects against accidental damage to your rug.

Mulberry provides a quick, online claims process and does not require a receipt to file a claim.


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